
Wednesday, May 1, 2013


More is more. Buy now. Only several time periods left!

Greetings from {Idaho | Carolina | Ohio | Colorado | Florida | Los Angele's | California | Lithuania}!

I'm {bored to tears | bored to death | bored | lonely | unpopular} at work so I decided to {check out | browse | fondle | poke at | search for porn at} your {site | website | blog | thingy | whatever it is} on my {iphone | ipad | computer | toaster oven | shoelaces} during lunch break.

I {enjoy | really like | love | appreciate | partially understand | don't care about | } the {knowledge | info | information | stuff | crapola | garbage | dog leavings} you {present | provide | copy and paste | plagiarize} here and can't wait to take a look when I get {home | to the dentist | released from custody | rich | down to less than 300 pounds again | other}.

I'm {shocked | amazed | surprised | flummoxed | titillated | annoyed | depressed} at how {quick | fast | [insert other comment here]} your blog loaded on my {mobile | cell phone | phone | toaster oven | shoelaces | cat} .. I'm not even using WIFI, just 3G .. {Anyhow | Anyways | Anythings | Anytimes | Gadzooks}, {awesome | amazing | very good | superb | good | wonderful | fantastic | excellent | great | almost calorie free | too sugary | protein and vitamin rich | spontaneously combustible} {site | blog | thingy | web site | spreadsheet}!

I {couldn't | could not | coun't} {resist | refrain from | hold back | overcome | think better of} commenting.

{Very well | Perfectly | Well | Exceptionally well} written! And with words! So fine!

{I will | I'll | will not | won't | dassn't} {right away | immediately | posthaste | quick like a bunny | } {take hold of | grab | clutch | grasp | seize | snatch | bite | steal | lift | lick | nibble | hijack} your {rss | rss feed | computer thingy} as I {can not | can't | dare dare not | don't care about | am titillated by} {in finding | find | to find | find | found | hope to find | discover} your {email | e-mail | computer communication thingy | courier service | telegraph tree} subscription {link | hyperlink | link link | semaphore relay} or {newsletter | e-newsletter | love letter | postcard | town crier} service.

Do {you have | you've | are you now or have you ever been | like my shorts | willing to find me a sexual partner | } any?

{Please | Kindly | Hey} {allow | permit | let | indulge} me {realize | recognize | understand | recognize | know} {so that | in order that | because | so just in case I'm in the mood} I {may just | may | could | might | might consider to | have a vague feeling that I might, someday} subscribe.

{I have | I've | I might have} been {surfing | browsing | talking to my toaster oven} {online | on-line | near an electrical outlet} {more than | greater than | possibly for as much as} {three | 3 | four | 4 | ten | 10 | 1007 | 1,000,000.3796} {hours | days | weeks | years | other earthlike time periods} {these days | nowadays | today | lately | as of late | perforce}, {yet | but} I {never | by no means | cayn't} {found | discovered | finded} any {interesting | fascinating | attention-grabbing} article like yours, whatever it is about.

{It's | It is} {lovely | pretty | beautiful | sexually satisfying} {enough | sufficiently} for me.

However, I object to the implied slant of your {site | website | blog | thingy | whatever it is}, which seems to be about {hiking | walking | backpacking | camping | doing stuff outdoors in all sorts of weather}.

{In my opinion | Personally | In my view | In case I was more intelligent than a tapeworm}, if all {webmasters | site owners | website owners | web owners} and bloggers made {just right | good | excellent | OK | passable | } {content | content material | ingredients for soup} as {you did | you probably did | you might have considered didding if you didn't have this outdoor kind of fetish thing going on | you could have if you bought a copy of my book}, the {internet | net | web | intertubes | computerized communication device} {will be | shall be | might be | will probably be | can be | will likely be | maybe but maybe not} {much more | a lot more | a little more | a little less | disastrously less} {useful | helpful | interesting | sexually stimulating | lower in calories} than ever before.

However, for a good deal on low-cost camping tents, supplies, and that other stuff, just stop by Derzban's House of Extramural Activities. Right now we have amazing deals on {outdoor stuff | things to walk and hike with | raining wear | toiletries | discount purses | jewelry | pet food | 'Hot for Teacher' supplies | ammo}.

Aaa, it's {nice | pleasant | good | fastidious | prissy} to have long helpful {discussion | conversation | dialog | sales pitch | gab fest} {regarding | concerning | about | on the topic of | during | under | through | in spite of} this {article | post | piece of writing | paragraph | collection of syllables | blasphemous blathering} {here | at this place | with my toaster oven} at this {blog | weblog | webpage | website | web site | thingy}.

I have read all that and more, so {now | at this time | whenever} me also commenting {here | at this place} betimes.

And don't forget our super discounts at Derzban's House of Extramural Activities, where you don't have to go outside as long as you have money and you pay us on time, see?


Evil Blog Comment Spammer just exposed his template through some error and the whole thing showed up in my comments.