
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Gray Wolf Overnight — Drips and out.

Darkness at noon.

Or slightly after. Near the top of the Gray Wolf / Deer Park trail, a miles-long trudge uphill.

Pretty though.

A miles-long trudge uphill during which rain did fall. Fine. Bring it on. No. Not fine.

At least someone was happy.

Definitely not me. I don't do well in rain, especially while sweating. But it was the only way out.

Remember that sunny panorama?

Yeah, well things had changed in a little over a day. No more sun. No more open vistas. Only a trail going off toward the edge of the earth.

Giant whatsis (looming phase).

At least, if rain is falling, also having fog gives an opportunity for sightseeing. Everything looks different.

Then there's Mom.

Plus a fresh one from the copy-oven. Li'l Hopper, you could call it, hopping around the way it did. Tiny but happy..

Fading out.

I didn't get (and couldn't get) close enough for good photos but did manage these few. Mom didn't want anything to do with me, even though I was the only one around, and Li'l Hopper just bounced along behind her, both of them moving away from me at a decent clip.


Gone in a couple more seconds. Though I had my little pocket camera racked way out, I barely caught them. Not even enough time to adjust the ISO for a faster shutter speed or anything. Just one more desperate shot before the deer were completely back in their own element and hidden from sight.

And that was my trip.


Olympic National Park map (PDF)