
Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Definitions: Supper


The big meal that comes some time after lunch.

It's even better than lunch because, though you might stop during the middle of a nice day and eat lunch, when you stop for supper you usually won't be moving your legs again for several hours. Voluntarily.

To be even more clear, supper time is when you get to pig out and then immediately crawl into bed and snore mightily, with abandon.

Supper is often the high point of the day, a realization you come to after several long days or weeks on the trail when you begin to appreciate the validity of the term "hiker midnight" (a.k.a., 9:00 p.m.).

Even without being excessively hungry, a backpacker can learn to look forward to supper with growing love and anticipation because it marks the end of the day and a chance to just stop all the damn walking and lie down and be unconscious for a while.


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