
Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Oya, Photography These Days

Oya Photography These Days

Fingers. Fingers are all you need. No finicky expensive machinery.

Look. Make those fingers frame what you want, blink once if it makes you feel better, and remember what you see outlined by your fingers.

No shutter to jam, no memory card to overflow, no battery to fade out. No extra weight or bulk. And you're waterproof and dustproof by way of evolution, the real intelligent design.

Want to print a shot? Difficult of course, but that's something done these days only by old guys who drive Buicks. Not backpackers. So let it slide. You'll be fine.

Uploading to Twittle, Facebork, FensterGram? Can be problematic too, but you've got permanent memory right there in your head, and a mouth, and a the ability to use it, so recall what you saw and share your stories. One word is worth a thousand pictures anyway.

As a last resort of course, all your images can be recovered during the autopsy. Don't worry — nothing is ever really lost.


Eric Mencher "Some People I've Seen"
"Eric Mencher: From Photojournalist to Master iPhone Street Photographer"


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Me? Have a set of alpaca bath roses for sale. See me at the Black Anger Bar Steakhouse & Fight Club any night.